For many years, we have felt a deep attraction to natural spaces, especially those with mountainous landscapes. These places have transported us to a simpler life than the one we currently lead, fueling our dream of one day moving to be closer to nature.
“Why is it sometimes so difficult to decide where to walk? We believe that there is a subtle magnetism in nature and that, if we unconsciously yield to it, it will direct us correctly.”
“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately; to face the facts of life alone and see if I could learn what it had to teach. I wanted to live deeply and throw away everything that was not life…
So as not to realize, in the moment of dying, which I had not lived.”
An image of the natural world turns into an image of your feelings toward it. It turns into an individual vision. While meandering through the woodland, I engaged in an introspective examination of my relationship with the natural world. And I got exactly what I was looking for. These appeared to be everlasting moments of beauty that passed quickly.